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Face recognition demo

AI-Powered Face Cropping API

Automatically detects and crops facial images from larger photos with precision and accuracy. The face cropping API can be used, for example, to create avatars or generate electronic user cards.

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What is the Face Cropping API?

Face cropping API utilizes computer vision algorithms to analyze the input image and detect the location of faces within it. Once detected, the API crops the facial image from the larger photo and returns it as output. This process is fully automated and requires no manual intervention.

Face cropping API can be used in a variety of applications that require facial image processing, including document verification, user authentication, and facial recognition. It can also be used in applications that require the detection and tracking of facial expressions, emotions, and other features.

Integrating's face cropping API into your application is a straightforward process. First, you'll need to register for an API key. provides documentation and sample code to guide you through the integration process. Once integrated, you can call the API directly from your application to crop faces from images.

The performance of face cropping API can vary depending on the quality of the input image, lighting conditions, and other factors. However, our face cropping API are designed to provide fast and accurate processing of facial images, even under challenging conditions.

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Designed for developers and businesses

The most powerful
Face Cropping API

We understand how tedious it is to think about different formats and integration barriers.

Our Face Cropping API, Liveness Detection API, Face Detection API share easy to understand logic across all endpoints.

Face Cropping API Use Cases

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Cropping isolates the face from the background, eliminating distractions like clothing, scenery, and other people. This allows the facial recognition algorithm to concentrate on the relevant data for identification, leading to faster and more accurate results.
Speaking of more specific use cases, buildings and restricted areas can leverage face cropping for secure entry. Cameras capture user faces, crop them, and compare them to authorized individuals in the database.
Facial cropping API isolates the face from the background, eliminating distractions like clothing, scenery, and other people.Thanks to face croppig API, cameras capture a  user's face, crop it, and compare tit to authorized an individual in the database.
Facial recognition
Face cropping API is used to facilitate liveness detection techniques that differentiate between a real person and a photo or video spoof. Cropped faces offer more detailed information for analyzing subtle facial movements and skin textures, making it harder to fool the system.
Liveness detection
Face cropping API is used on a user to facilitate liveness detection techniques that differentiate between a real person and a photo or video spoof.
Access control systems

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Single platform

Face Recognition API, Liveness Detection API, Face Detection API and more.

We bring everything together that is required to build a successful app or software based on the face recognition technology.
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