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How to try API provides facial recognition, face verification, emotion detection APIs, and more. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to try out's free API.
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Face recognition demoGet Free API Requests

Sign Up for Free

To start using the free API, click the 'Sign Up' button to create your free account. It's easy — you only need an email to register. Your account will be automatically credited with 500 API requests; you don't need to do anything else for this.

Choose a case

Face recognition demo

After registration, choose which API you want to use. It can be face recognition, face verification, emotion detection, or another case.

Get Free API Requests
Face recognition demoGet Free API Requests

Choose a programming language

Once you've selected a use case, choose a programming language. supports the most popular languages like Python, JavaScript, Java, PHP and so on. There you can find instructions and code examples that you can simply copy and paste into your project.

Choose your plan

Face recognition demo

When you reach your monthly limit, you'll be notified. Then, you can select your plan and add your card to continue using the API.

Get Free API Requests
Face recognition demoGet Free API Requests

If you need help

If you have a general question, check this FAQ first.

If you need detailed technical information about the API, consult the documentation.

If you have a specific problem or question that is not addressed in the FAQ or documentation, visit our Reddit community.